First Release

Year: LIX.
Zagreb, 09 November 2022

ISSN 1334-0557


The comparison of the number of legal entities in the Register of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics with the number of active legal entities in other registers shows that the share of active legal entities was 56.5%.

This discrepancy occurs due to differences in the methodology of data entry method and of defining activities applied in individual registers.

The data on the number of entities in crafts and trades and free lances refer to the number of self-employed entrepreneurs, with or without employees, as well as to the number of persons engaged in a professional activity according to pension insurance records.


   Number of registered legal entities Number of active entities Share of active legal entities, %
Total 319 817 180 762 56,5
Trade companies 242 047 145 301 60,0
Co-operatives 3 559 820 23,0
Institutions, bodies, associations and organisations 74 211 34 641 46,7
Entities in crafts and trades and free lances - 93 622 -


1) Including government bodies and bodies of local and regional self-government units.


   Number of legal entities Active legal entities Crafts and trades and free lances
Registered Structure of registered legal entities, % Active Structure of active legal entities, % Profit Non-profit
  Total   319 817 100,0 180 762 100,0 146 121 34 641 93 622
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing   5 945 1,9 3 130 1,7 3 128 2 2 654
Mining and quarrying   349 0,1 192 0,1 192 - 39
Manufacturing   24 972 7,8 16 000 8,9 15 997 3 8 182
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply   1 710 0,5 885 0,5 885 - 14
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities  1 392 0,4 920 0,5 918 2 95
F Construction   33 012 10,3 20 204 11,2 20 203 1 10 309
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles   56 117 17,5 28 427 15,7 28 228 199 9 198
H Transportation and storage   11 947 3,7 7 174 4,0 7 140 34 6 247
I Accommodation and food service activities   26 064 8,1 14 055 7,8 14 005 50 7 853
J Information and communication   12 053 3,8 8 463 4,7 8 435 28 3 443
K Financial and insurance activities   1 863 0,6 1 020 0,6 986 34 539
L Real estate activities   11 186 3,5 6 392 3,5 6 392 - 564
M Professional, scientific and technical activities   32 872 10,3 22 782 12,6 22 624 158 14 313
N Administrative and support service activities   12 702 4,0 7 781 4,3 7 778 3 4 063
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security    3 070 1,0 914 0,5 18 896 6 064
P Education 4 558 1,4 3 725 2,1 1 164 2 561 1 055
Q Human health and social work activities 5 357 1,7 3 535 2,0 1 095 2 440 5 022
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 23 354 7,3 11 895 6,6 1 984 9 911 3 092
S Other service activities 51 238 16,0 23 267 12,9 4 948 18 319 10 787
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 2 0,0 1 0,0 1 - 46
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies 54 0,0 - - - - -
  Unknown - - - - - - 43

The data on the structure of business entities by economic activities show that more than a half of both registered and active entities belong to the following four activity sections: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles with 17.5% of registered and 15.7% of active entities, Manufacturing with 7.8% of registered and 8.9% of active entities, Professional, scientific and technical activities with 10.3% of registered and 12.6% of active entities and Other service activities with 16.0% of registered and 12.9% of active entities.

The share of profit entities in the total active business entities was 80.8% and their structure by economic activities shows that 69.1% of them belonged to five activity sections, shown in the following order of frequency: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (19.3%), Professional, scientific and technical activities (15.5%), Manufacturing (10.9%), Construction (13.8%) and Accommodation and food service activities (9.6%).

The share of non-profit active entities was 19.2%. Half of them were classified into the activity section Other service activities. The remaining half was distributed between Arts, entertainment and recreation (28.6%), Education (7.4%), Human health and social work activities (7.0%) and Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (2.6%).

The structure of entities in crafts and trades and free lances by economic activities was much more balanced than the structure of legal entities. Professional, scientific and technical activities was the most present activity section. Besides this activity section, five other activities covered one half of the total number of entities.


1) Including government bodies and bodies of local and regional self-government units.


NKD 2007. activity sections

A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
B Mining and quarrying
C Manufacturing
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
F Construction
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
H Transportation and storage
I Accommodation and food service activities
J Information and communication
K Financial and insurance activities
L Real estate activities
M Professional, scientific and technical activities
N Administrative and support service activities
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
P Education
Q Human health and social work activities
R Arts, entertainment and recreation
S Other service activities
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods – and services – producing activities of households for own use
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies



   Total Ownership types
State owership Private ownership Co-operative ownership Mixed owership No owership
Number of legal entities Share in total, % Number of legal entities Share in total, % Number of legal entities Share in total, % Number of legal entities Share in total, % Number of legal entities Share in total, %
  Total 180 762 1 401 0,8 144 014 79,7 823 0,5 716 0,4 33 808 18,7
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing   3 130 14 0,4 2 733 87,3 355 11,3 26 0,8 2 0,1
B Mining and quarrying   192 5 2,6 177 92,2 2 1,0 8 4,2 - -
C Manufacturing   16 000 61 0,4 15 628 97,7 135 0,8 174 1,1 2 0,0
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply   885 35 4,0 837 94,6 4 0,5 9 1,0 - -
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities  920 320 34,8 591 64,2 1 0,1 7 0,8 1 0,1
F Construction   20 204 74 0,4 20 009 99,0 72 0,4 48 0,2 1 0,0
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles   28 427 40 0,1 28 019 98,6 86 0,3 124 0,4 158 0,6
H Transportation and storage   7 174 61 0,9 7 039 98,1 10 0,1 34 0,5 30 0,4
I Accommodation and food service activities   14 055 40 0,3 13 855 98,6 45 0,3 68 0,5 47 0,3
J Information and communication   8 463 41 0,5 8 349 98,7 6 0,1 42 0,5 25 0,3
K Financial and insurance activities   1 020 18 1,8 951 93,2 9 0,9 10 1,0 32 3,1
L Real estate activities   6 392 38 0,6 6 331 99,0 2 0,0 21 0,3 - -
M Professional, scientific and technical activities   22 782 183 0,8 22 356 98,1 34 0,1 101 0,4 108 0,5
N Administrative and support service activities   7 781 74 1,0 7 672 98,6 19 0,2 14 0,2 2 0,0
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security    914 35 3,8 4 0,4 1 0,1 1 0,1 873 95,5
P Education 3 725 182 4,9 1 332 35,8 - - 4 0,1 2 207 59,2
Q Human health and social work activities 3 535 53 1,5 1 301 36,8 17 0,5 3 0,1 2 161 61,1
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 11 895 92 0,8 1 940 16,3 15 0,1 8 0,1 9 840 82,7
S Other service activities 23 267 35 0,2 4 889 21,0 10 0,0 14 0,1 18 319 78,7
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 1 - - 1 100,0 - - - - - -
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies - - - - - - - - - - -


The structure of active legal entities by ownership types shows that the private ownership predominated with 79.7% of entities, while 0.8% of entities were owned by the state, 0.4% of them were in mixed ownership and 0.5% of entities were in co-operative ownership. The ownership of 18.7% of legal entities was not monitored.

The ownership structure by activities shows that privately owned entities were predominant in service activities, e.g. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles had a share of 98.6%, Real estate activities of 99.0% and Transportation and storage of 98.1%. Approximately the same share of private ownership existed in the productive activities such as Construction (99.0%), Manufacturing (97.7%) and Information and communication (98.7%).


   Total Number of persons in employment
0 1 ‒ 9 10 ‒ 49 50 ‒ 249 250 ‒ 499 500 and more
  Total 180 762 74 865 88 172 13 672 3 464 317 272
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing   3 130 1 262 1 561 251 45 4 7
B Mining and quarrying   192 40 101 39 10 - 2
C Manufacturing   16 000 4 148 8 645 2 386 668 91 62
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply   885 553 261 54 11 3 3
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities  920 203 322 273 106 14 2
F Construction   20 204 7 363 10 654 1 898 266 16 7
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles   28 427 8 445 17 443 2 138 310 45 46
H Transportation and storage   7 174 2 283 4 189 560 109 18 15
I Accommodation and food service activities   14 055 4 770 8 075 1 086 106 6 12
J Information and communication   8 463 3 304 4 450 596 92 15 6
K Financial and insurance activities   1 020 278 611 75 27 10 19
L Real estate activities   6 392 4 363 1 896 124 7 1 1
M Professional, scientific and technical activities   22 782 7 076 14 537 1 045 117 3 4
N Administrative and support service activities   7 781 3 386 3 838 439 97 9 12
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security    914 20 223 448 172 29 22
P Education 3 725 546 1 175 975 1 005 18 6
Q Human health and social work activities 3 535 1 240 1 341 669 222 25 38
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 11 895 8 627 2 889 304 59 9 7
S Other service activities 23 267 16 957 5 961 312 35 1 1
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 1 1 - - - - -
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies - - - - - - -

Observation of the structure of active legal entities according to the number of persons in paid employment shows that the highest share of 48.8% belonged to entities employing 1 – 9 persons, followed by 41.4% of entities without persons in employment, 7.6% of entities employing 10 – 49 persons and 1.9% of entities employing 50 – 249 persons, while entities employing more than 250 persons had a share of only 0.4%.


   Legal organisational forms
Total Joint stock companies Limited liability companies
Registered Active Registered Active Registered Active
  Total 242 047 145 301 1 186 712 173 089 105 510
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing   4 702 2 773 37 19 3 467 2 123
B Mining and quarrying   341 190 14 8 299 174
C Manufacturing   24 558 15 862 353 188 18 574 12 111
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply   1 702 882 9 6 1 444 782
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities  1 379 917 7 3 1 099 770
F Construction   32 191 20 132 125 71 22 227 13 340
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles   55 546 28 143 163 80 43 295 22 066
H Transportation and storage   11 852 7 130 61 36 6 769 4 389
I Accommodation and food service activities   25 869 13 960 124 88 13 630 7 878
J Information and communication   11 969 8 429 38 28 9 301 6 803
K Financial and insurance activities   1 469 976 86 75 1 254 823
L Real estate activities   11 177 6 390 32 26 9 810 5 666
M Professional, scientific and technical activities   32 568 22 591 111 72 25 222 17 824
N Administrative and support service activities   12 603 7 759 10 6 8 756 5 649
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security    33 17 - - 20 12
P Education 1 646 1 164 2 1 1 092 786
Q Human health and social work activities 1 486 1 078 - - 1 149 877
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 3 100 1 969 10 4 1 877 1 181
S Other service activities 7 854 4 938 4 1 3 803 2 255
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 2 1 - - 1 1
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies - - - - - -



     Legal organisational forms
Simple limited liability companies Public trade companies Main subsidiaries of foreign trade companies or individual traders Other legal forms
Registered Active Registered Active Registered Active Registered Active
  Total 66 027 38 245 366 182 1 111 515 268 137
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing   1 189 625 1 1 4 2 4 3
B Mining and quarrying   25 6 - - 3 2 - -
C Manufacturing   5 488 3 510 3 1 131 50 9 2
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply   243 91 - - 5 2 1 1
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities  262 142 - - 10 2 1 -
F Construction   9 490 6 578 45 8 294 133 10 2
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles   11 802 5 871 11 2 257 117 18 7
H Transportation and storage   4 970 2 679 6 3 45 22 1 1
I Accommodation and food service activities   12 078 5 977 2 - 31 15 4 2
J Information and communication   2 573 1 567 6 4 47 25 4 2
K Financial and insurance activities   77 34 - - 17 11 35 33
L Real estate activities   1 276 667 6 2 43 22 10 7
M Professional, scientific and technical activities   6 755 4 433 275 154 180 95 25 13
N Administrative and support service activities   3 780 2 079 4 3 34 13 19 9
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security    2 1 - - - - 11 4
P Education 546 374 1 - 4 2 1 1
Q Human health and social work activities 335 200 1 1 1 - - -
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 1 197 768 1 1 1 1 14 14
S Other service activities 3 938 2 643 4 2 4 1 101 36
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 1 - - - - - - -
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies - - - - - - - -

Limited liability companies were markedly predominant in the structure of trade companies by legal organisational forms, with a share of 71.5% of registered and 72.6% of active ones. Simple limited liability companies held the second place by their number, with a share of 27.3% of registered and 26.3% of active companies. Other legal forms of trade companies constituted the remaining share of 1.3%.


   Total registered legal entities Share of active legal entities, % Groups of legal organisational forms
Associations, institutions, economic co-operations, foundations, fundraising campaigns, political parties and other organisations State government bodies and bodies of local and regional self-government units
  Total 74 211 46,7 71 785 2 426
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing   4 50,0 4 -
B Mining and quarrying   - - - -
C Manufacturing   7 42,9 7 -
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply   1 0,0 1 -
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities  5 40,0 5 -
F Construction   1 100,0 1 -
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles   221 90,0 221 -
H Transportation and storage   35 97,1 35 -
I Accommodation and food service activities   56 89,3 56 -
J Information and communication   62 45,2 62 -
K Financial and insurance activities   228 14,9 228 -
L Real estate activities   - - - -
M Professional, scientific and technical activities   199 79,4 199 -
N Administrative and support service activities   8 37,5 8 -
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security    3 036 29,5 610 2 426
P Education 2 909 88,0 2 909 -
Q Human health and social work activities 3 826 63,8 3 826 -
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 20 221 49,0 20 221 -
S Other service activities 43 338 42,3 43 338 -
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use - - - -
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies 54 0,0 54 -

The structure of registered non-profit legal entities by legal forms shows that associations, institutions, co-operations and similar organisations had a share of 96.7%, while state government bodies and bodies of local and regional self-government units had a share of 3.3%.

Concerning the activity of the mentioned legal entities, there were 46.7% of active ones. Their structure by activities shows that they were entities belonging to four activity sections: Other service activities with 58.4% of registered and 42.3% of active ones, Public administration and defence; compulsory social security with 4.1% of registered and 29.5% of active ones, Human health and social work activities with 5.2% of registered and 63.8% of active entities and Education with only 3.9% of registered ones, but with the largest share of active entities (88.0%).


County of Total registered legal entities Trade companies Co-operatives Registered institutions, bodies, associations and organisations Entities in crafts and trades and free lances
Registered Active Registered  Active
Republic of Croatia 319 817 242 047 145 301 3 559 820 74 211 93 622
Zagreb 20 425 16 153 10 169 142 30 4 130 5 311
Krapina-Zagorje 5 766 3 874 2 528 75 17 1 817 2 538
Sisak-Moslavina 7 055 4 287 2 546 168 32 2 600 2 285
Karlovac 6 118 3 972 2 466 130 26 2 016 1 892
Varaždin 9 394 6 764 4 484 98 20 2 532 2 864
Koprivnica-Križevci 5 275 3 370 2 104 198 36 1 707 1 653
Bjelovar-Bilogora 6 014 3 967 2 428 209 44 1 838 1 301
Primorje-Gorski kotar 26 802 21 229 12 102 154 34 5 419 9 806
Lika-Senj 2 671 1 620 1 010 76 12 975 908
Virovitica-Podravina 3 430 1 997 1 253 117 21 1 316 1 133
Požega-Slavonia 2 748 1 550 1 024 52 7 1 146 1 130
Slavonski Brod-Posavina 5 969 3 811 2 331 91 22 2 067 2 241
Zadar 11 737 8 799 5 501 218 50 2 720 4 950
Osijek-Baranja 15 723 9 978 6 194 276 89 5 469 4 773
Šibenik-Knin  6 877 4 585 2 573 205 47 2 087 3 091
Vukovar-Sirmium 6 920 3 935 2 417 212 64 2 773 2 350
Split-Dalmatia 33 173 25 410 15 427 436 131 7 327 13 273
Istria 23 930 19 952 11 644 111 17 3 867 8 376
Dubrovnik-Neretva 9 196 6 403 4 130 101 35 2 692 4 224
Međimurje 7 317 5 660 3 600 48 9 1 609 1 367
City of Zagreb 103 277 84 731 49 370 442 77 18 104 18 156

The data on the territorial distribution of business entities at the county level show that slightly less than one third of the total number of registered business entities (legal entities) were situated in the City of Zagreb. The City of Zagreb, however, had a significantly lower share of entities in crafts and trades and free lances, amounting to 19.4%. The County of Split-Dalmatia followed, with a share of 10.4% of legal entities and 14.2% of natural persons.

Three counties had a share larger than 5.0% of registered legal entities: the County of Primorje-Gorski kotar (8.4%), the County of Istria (7.5%) and the County of Zagreb (6.4%). The number of natural persons came in the same order.

The territorial structure of active trade companies was different in relation to the structure of the registered ones. Hence, the City of Zagreb had a share of 35.0% of registered and 34.0% of active entities, while the share of the second largest county, the County of Split-Dalmatia, was 10.6% of active and 10.5% of registered entities.


   2021 2022
Creating 3 720 3 805 3 599 4 078 4 266 4 484 3 915
Trade companies 3 278 3 436 3 262 3 695 3 811 4 121 3 584
Other 442 369 337 383 455 363 331
Deleting 179 120 76 195 144 602 152
Enterprises - 11) - - - 4 -
Trade companies 112 72 54 98 88 113 61
Other 67 47 22 97 56 485 91
Harmonising according to the Companies Act 1 2 2 - 2 3 6

1) Enterprises and co-operatives.


Data on changes in registered entities are divided into three groups: creations, deletions and harmonisations. They show that in the mentioned period the number of creations and deletions decreased, while the number of harmonisations increased.

The share of trade companies in the number of newly created entities was 91.5% in the observed period.



I Introduction

Based on the Act on the National Classification of Activities (NN, No. 98/94), the Decision on the National Classification of Activities − NKD 2007. (NN, Nos 58/07 and 72/07) and the Ordinance on the Classification of Business Entities According to the National Classification of Activities − NKD 2007. (NN, Nos 55/16 and 35/18), the Croatian Bureau of Statistics keeps the Register of Business Entities (hereinafter referred to as: Register). The Register, pursuant to provisions of the aforementioned Ordinance, includes legal entities, state government bodies and bodies of local and regional self-government units and parts thereof (hereinafter referred to as: business entities). The Register does not presently include natural persons engaged in activities according to regulations, foreign associations headquartered in the Republic of Croatia and business entities not headquartered in the Republic of Croatia.

The NKD 2007. is based on the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community – NACE Rev. 2, which is obligatory in EU Member States.

II Methods and sources of data collection

On registration, each business entity is assigned a seven-digit registration number, while its constituent parts are assigned an additional four-digit ordinal number besides that number.

Moreover, each business entity and parts thereof are assigned an activity code according to the NKD 2007.

Registered business entities are classified according to their prevailing activities in such a way that a numerical denotation of a class of the main activity is defined according to the NKD 2007. When, on the basis of a formal decision on registration with a competent authority or by law, a business entity is established to be engaged in more than one activity, the first classification according to the NKD 2007. is made upon the proposal of the business entity. Every subsequent classification of the business entity resulting in a change of the main activity is made in the following cases:

1) Upon the request of the business entity

2) Upon official duty, based on a change in the decision on registration with a competent authority or a change in the law.

The activity of the constituent parts of a business entity is established on the basis of a decision on registration with a competent authority or law on creation, irrespective of the activity of the business entity they are a part of.

Entry, registration, change and withdrawal of business entities are updated daily in the Register. Legal basis for updating the Register are the following:

1) Registers kept by:

trade courts


state administration offices

other registration bodies

2) Laws, decisions and other legal documents published in Narodne novine.

Registered business entities are structured according to the legal basis, as follows:

trade companies, enterprises, co-operatives and institutions are registered in the Register upon decisions of registration bodies (trade courts),

state government bodies and bodies of local and regional self-government units registered according to the law

associations, foundations, political parties and others registered on the basis of decisions of registry bodies according to specific laws.

Difficulties in updating of a significant proportion of units in the Register are a consequence of long-term transition periods during which register bodies harmonise business entities according to a new legislation. This also postpones the procedure of deletions of business entities who have not submitted a request for harmonisation in line with new regulations. Consequently, the Register data have constantly been changing in line with data on business entities subsequently collected from publicly available data bases.

A lack in the coverage of the Register is related to business entities engaged in activities of crafts and free lances, foreign associations headquartered in the Republic of Croatia and business entities not headquartered in the Republic of Croatia. In addition, it must be pointed out that there are methodological discrepancies between the Register as an administrative data base and the Statistical Business Register (hereinafter referred to as: eSPRi).

The data of the Register of Business Entities are linked to administrative data bases through an identification number, a registration number and a personal identification number.

III Meaning of individual terms

Business entities are legal entities and natural persons that perform activities according to the law, public government bodies (government administration bodies, other government bodies, bodies of local and regional self-government units, legal entities and other public authorities, legal entities established by the Republic of Croatia or local and regional self-government units, legal entities performing public service, legal entities financed mostly or completely from the state or local and regional self-government units budgets, that is, from public funds (taxes, provisions etc.), on the basis of a special act as well as trade companies in which the Republic of Croatia or the local and regional self-government units hold individual or joint majority ownership.

Registered legal entities (business entities) are units that are registered in the Register. These are: trade companies, institutions, co-operatives, associations, political parties, public government bodies and other non-harmonised units that held a legal subjectivity status according to previously valid laws.

Active legal entities (business entities) are registered legal entities entered into the Register, for which the activity status has been determined according to the eSPRi data. 

Natural persons are units that carry out activities in line with the law and refer to crafts and trades and free lances.

Main activity is an activity established according to the largest share in the total value added in the case of business entities that make profit through production, trade or rendering of services on the market or by the largest share in the number of persons in employment according to the payroll and gross paid-off salaries in the case of business entities that do not make profit through production, trade and rendering of services on the market.

Identification number is a permanent identification denomination of each business entity. It is used in all activities of official statistics. It is determined in the process of allocation of a control number according to module 11, while any part of a business entity is at the same time determined a four-digit ordinal number along with the identification number.

Registration number is a number under which a business entity is entered in a court or another specific register.

Personal identification number (OIB) is a permanent identification designation of an OIB holder, used by OIB users in official records, in everyday activities and in data exchange. OIB is unique, non-revealing, unchangeable and non-iterative.

Legal organisational form is a characteristic of units in the Register that divides them as joint-stock companies, limited liability companies, simple limited liability companies, co-operatives, institutions, associations, state government bodies and bodies of local and regional self-government units and other legal organisational forms. A legal organisational form of the Register has been determined by a decision of a competent registration body or by act on creation that is a basis for their entry into the Register.

Type of ownership is a characteristic of units entered into the Register that indicates the ownership structure of the unit and refer to the ownership of assets, that is, to startup deposit of a business entity.

Number of persons in employment is the feature used for indicating the size and structure of business entities. It is derived from Fina’s annual financial reports. In order to update this feature, as indicated in tables, the data have been harmonised with the regular monthly statistical survey that covers employment.


Fina Financial Agency
NKD 2007. National Classification of Activities, 2007 version
NN Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia
- no occurrence
0.0 value not zero but less than 0.05 of the unit of measure used


Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 111
Press corner:

 Persons responsible:
Andrea Galić Nagyszombaty, Director of Statistical Methodologies, Quality and Customer Relations Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General

Prepared by:
Vlasta Lide Kranjec and Višnja Petrović


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